Family Paradise

Nature, Fun & Games

Excellent Facilities

Comfortable Camping Holidays

New regulation for pets

Dear camping friends!

We hope you are all well and looking forward to the coming camping season.

Unfortunately, we have to announce a decision that was not easy for us, but necessary to make the camping experience enjoyable for everyone.

From the 2024 season, we will no longer accept guests with pets.

This decision is difficult for us, especially because we are dog owners ourselves and understand how nice it is to travel with your faithful four-legged friend. Unfortunately, there have been a number of accidents and negative experiences involving dogs on our campsite in the past.

It is particularly important to us that our guests feel comfortable. That's why we focus on creating a place where they can experience exactly that. We have thought about this for a long time and have come to the conclusion that this measure is necessary to preserve the positive camping experience for everyone.

We know that many dog owners are responsible and have followed our rules, but unfortunately these incidents have forced us to take such a measure.

We realize that this is a significant change that will directly affect some of you. Nevertheless, we ask for your understanding and support.

We look forward to a great camping season at Lake Ossiach and to welcoming you all soon.

Kind regards,

Family Matschnig 

Seecamping Kölbl

Seecamping Kölbl

Family Matschnig


Ostriach 106

9570 Ossiach am See

Kärnten, Austria


Tel.: +43 4243/8223

Fax: +43 4243/8690



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